Why Jamu Belly Binding?

Witness the magic of it.

Repairing Muscles

Belly binding helps to bring two large parallel bands of abdominal muscles back together.

Reposition Core Organs

Helps hips and pelvis to go back to its pre pregnancy state, also helps to firm and support the areas that are still loose from pregnancy.

Improve Breastfeeding

Help to boost milk production by improve circulation and stimulate chest muscles.


Decrease stress hormones and better chance of getting restorative sleep.

Reduce Water Retention

Stimulate blood circulation, helps eliminate excess fluids and waste products.

Regain Figures

Swelling reduced by compressing the belly.

Lower Back support

Having lower back support helps to reduce strain and improves posture.

Emotional Support

Enjoy the ‘me-time’ of taking care of the bodies and being able to focus on recovery and the healing process.